The History of the Reflexology Association of CanadaThe Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC) has come a long way since its inception in 1976 as a non profit, federally chartered organization dedicated to training, educational standards and disseminating information about reflexology. From small beginnings, with members clustered in and around Toronto, the Association has grown into a Canada-wide organization with international members and teachers and over 3,000 members. In 1978 the Association was incorporated as a federally chartered non-profit organization, with federally approved By-laws and policies and procedures that regulate the way the association is managed. All members must comply with those By-laws.
RAC has a board of directors who are elected by the membership
for three-year terms. All directors are volunteers and give
freely and generously of their time and talents. At the Annual
General Meeting the board of directors explains what has been
done during the past year, outline plans for the coming year,
and presents the annual audit of the financial position of
the Association.
The current vision of the Reflexology Association of Canada
is "Reflexology is a universally acclaimed art and science."
The current mission of the Association is "The Reflexology
Association of Canada unifies reflexologists in professional
programs and services."
Current Board of Directors
2002 ~ 2003 |
Annette LeRoye
Winnipeg, MB
Cheryl Gaul
Centreville Kings County, NS Maria Krohmer
Calgary, AB
London, ON
Montreal, QC
Nanaimo, BC
Ettalie Inglis
Ottawa, ON
Carol Humphries
Executive Director |