
Please click on the link "Message from the Board Chair" below for a RAC update.
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The History of the Reflexology Association of Canada
Our Vision: Reflexology is a universally acclaimed healing art and science.
Our Mission: The Reflexology Association of Canada unifies reflexologists in professional programs and services.
The Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC) has come a long way since its inception in 1976. RAC was formed to provide training, educational standards and disseminate information about reflexology. From small beginnings, with members clustered in and around Toronto, the Association has grown into a Canada-wide organization with international members and teachers. In 1978 the Association was incorporated as a federally chartered non-profit organization, with federally approved By-laws and policies and procedures that regulate the way the Association is managed. All members are guided by our By-laws.
RAC has a Board of Directors who are elected by the membership for two-year terms. All directors are volunteers and give freely and generously of their time and talents. At the Annual General Meeting the Board of Directors explains what has been done during the past year, outlines plans for the coming year, and presents the annual audit of the financial position of the Association.
Staff Contacts
We are committed to good communications with our membership. Help us to better serve you—keep in touch!
We've provided email links for you to contact us directly!
Executive Director
Marcus Summersfield photo » email: [email protected]
Director of Education and Professional Development
Linda Hughan photo » email: [email protected]
RAC Business Manager
Valerie Taylor photo »email: [email protected]
Member Services Manager
Alana Friesen photo » email: [email protected]
Professional Development Manager
Liane Bissonnette photo »
email: [email protected]
Chapter Development Manager
Sherri Gunn photo » email: [email protected]
TEAM RAC is open for business!
Message from Board Chair
Chair Report - December 2007
RAC is the ONLY national association for Reflexology � the voice of Reflexologists across the country!
RAC continues to grow and evolve to meet the needs and wants of our members.
TEAM RAC is committed to do what needs to be done for the betterment of the Association, its' services and its' programs, resulting in an organization that's helping Reflexologists across the country. In doing so, we end up with a happier membership, who is also willing to roll up there sleeves and do their part to help.
TEAM RAC is more than the Staff in Winnipeg or its' Board of Directors. Team RAC is made up of all its' members: we all play an important role in raising public awareness of the benefits of Reflexology.
One of the big things that is always asked is, "What's happening with the insurance companies?"
With the introduction of the CEU program and designation, we are not only setting the foundation for accreditting qualified Reflexologists but we are also building the infrastructure that will be required to support the demands of the Insurance companies.
As I mentioned in my speech at the Winnipeg AGM this year, TEAM can be an acronym: "Together Everyone Achieves More"! Together, you help keep RAC strong � you give us the presence and voice needed to make a difference.
In the last year, there have been many changes but, in trying to make a difference, there will be more changes to come!
Year in Review
- PCT has returned to Head Office in Winnipeg and evolved into TEAM RAC Education.
- the introduction of the Canadian Journal of Reflexology
- substantial changes to administrative processes both in relation to education and membership have optimized the use of membership fees and freed up resources to take on new challenges
- introduction of the Continuing Education Program (aka. CEU Program) and the Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist designation
- farewell to Carol Faguy (Chair) and Donald Cater (Treasurer)
Please note: We are currently looking for two enthusiastic individuals to join the Board of Directors. If you are either interested or know someone that you feel would bring valuable experience to the position, please feel free to contact me or Marcus Summersfield and we'll get things moving!
Thank you all for being a part of this great Association and your commitment to Reflexology!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Marco E. Arruda
Board of Directors (2007/2008)
Introducing your elected Board of Directors:
Marco Arruda photo »
phone: email: [email protected]
A Toronto School of Business graduate in Computer Programming and Systems Analysis, I am currently a Financial Analyst specializing in Contract Adherence and Revenue Retention for a national telecom company.
I completed both the Foot & Hand Reflexology courses with Ettalie Inglis (teacher and former Board member) and I hope to become a RAC-certified instructor in the near future.
I started on the Board of Directors in February 2005 and, with the support of my fellow Directors and guidance from Carol Faguy (former Chair), Phil Lander (former Executive Director) & Marcus Summersfield, I took on the roles of Vice-Chair and now Chair.
It is an honour and a pleasure to be on the Board of Directors, representing the RAC and its' membership.
This Association was originally developed with the intention to be the National voice of Reflexology. With the changes that have been made, RAC is getting the attention required and gaining ground. The increase in membership numbers proves that we are heading in the right direction!
With your continued support, your ideas and your vision, we will continue to work with you and for you!
I hope to see you all at the 2008 RAC AGM & Conference in Montreal!
Marie Mclelland-Leger photo »
[email protected]
It has been a privilege to continue serving as a RAC board member for the past 3 years.. As the newly appointed Vice chair my vision remains clear as to what direction I would like our profession to continue to head.
Recognition of Reflexology and the direction we now are heading with our new CEU program will have a great impact not only in the public eye but also with the insurance companies across Canada. We are making great steps in the right direction.
I feel that membership will grow as we all take responsibility in maintaining our level of competence. Reflexology will truly be a recognized profession and RAC a necessary association to belong to if the general public and insurance companies are going to recognize us. We need to be strong in membership.
Changes have been made in education, but we need to continue to look at improving our certification program so that our standards can reach those of Europe. Only by raising our standards can we keep up with the rest of the world. Our minds must be open.
�As we continue to strive and become better educated within our profession we, in turn, will give better service to our clients.�
I thank you for the opportunity to serve you all again in the coming year.
Susan Lippert photo » phone: 403.252.9574 email: [email protected]
With a strong passion in assisting others on their journey to a healthy, relaxing and positive life-style, I operate a private business, Autumn�s Touch, in Calgary, Alberta as a RAC Certified Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Relaxation Therapist and Reiki Master.
During my past 3 years on the board, I have witnessed reflexology, as a modality, and RAC, as an association, grow and move forward. The motion forward and positive changes that have been made by such a motivated and hard working Association, such as the professional designation, RCRT, and the CEU program, are requests that the membership has been wanting for some time now. It is exciting, as reflexology gets closer to being recognized by insurance companies as the professional modality that it epitomizes.
I am proud and honored to be part of such a wonderful Association. As a reflexologist I feel that the association is certainly working for its� membership and working towards unifying reflexologists through professional programs and services.
Forward thinking is the best and most productive frame of mind to have. When we live in the past, we stay in the past � and when we look to the future, we make every effort for the future.
As the membership grows, so will the possibilities and opportunities. The sky is the limit�or is it!
Karen McNeill photo »
email: [email protected]
As one of those people with sore aching feet Karen signed up for a Reflexology course just out of pure interest. Her interest was sparked into �Wow, not only does this feel great, but this is really effective in improving our general health�. Upon receiving certification in 2005 she decided to retire from her career in the medical field and focus on natural healing. Karen started �Amazing Feets� a mobile Reflexology service catering to the central Okanagan and has had an absolutely terrific response to her service.
Karen joined the board of directors in 2006 with great eagerness. She feels Reflexology is a field that is gaining knowledge and respect from the general public and wants to continue to educate people about the benefits of Reflexology. Actively working with the public will ensure that Reflexology progresses in Canada as a desirable way to enhance our health both mentally and physically.
Susan Rusch photo»
email: [email protected]
I was first introduced to Reflexology in 1992, I had regular treatments and enjoyed the benefits of improved health and wellness, the result from having therapy regularly.
Two years later I did Inga Dougan�s Reflexology course. Unfortunately I did not write the final exam due to other personal goals. Over the next 12 years I gave family and friends treatments and did much self teaching in various holistic modalities through reading books and workshops.
In January 2006 I registered as a student with Maria Krohmer and I received my certification in March 2007. I now run a part time practice out of my home, offering Reflexology and Ear Candling. I also volunteered to represent RAC at the CIBC Run for the Cure in September 2007 which was extremely rewarding, we gave free 20min treatment sessions and had to turn people away at the end of the run. There was a continuous line up of people wanting treatments which speaks for itself - people want it.>br />
My vision is for Western Medicine and Holistic practises to work together for the common good of achieving total health in body, mind and soul and I believe that the public is ready for this. I want to see insurance companies covering Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist treatments in the near future as this will allow many who want treatment but can�t afford it to enjoy the benefits of reflexology. Of course this is two-fold, the practitioner will be enjoying more business.
I would also like to see the development of a RAC research team with programmes linked to hospitals and clinics, where records are kept to monitor the recovery of patients receiving reflexology treatments compared to those with similar illness/disease and not receiving reflexology treatments. This will enhance public awareness of the benefits of reflexology and in turn grow the modality to new heights.
As I am the new kid on the block, I plan to do my best in serving RAC and its members and I look forward to the challenges and rewards down the road.
Board Nominations
There are still two unfilled seats on the Board. The association is asking members to consider applying for a position on the board.
If you would like to apply, please Right-Click here to download the application form.
Completed forms can be sent to the RAC Head Office.
Reflexology Registration Council of Ontario
It is with profound regret that the Board of RAC has decided to end its association with RRCO and resign its place on the RRCO Council.
As a founding member of RRCO, RAC has a long history with them but, sadly, it has not always been a productive or amicable one and this has frequently worked to the serious disadvantage of RAC and its members.
RAC has worked tirelessly, and over many years, to bring about unity in the reflexology profession in Canada and, even in the course of 2008, has issued a number of invitations to RRCO and its Council to sit down with RAC and discuss the ways in which the two organizations could work together for the benefit of Reflexologists and the profession across Canada. Not only have those invitations not been taken up but they have not even been acknowledged.
There have been those - and not only with RRCO � who have carried forward much of the past and real or perceived slights that they attribute to RAC. RAC Board and its members have tried to move on from the past accepting that nothing can change what happened whilst making sure that any mistakes over the years will not be repeated in the present or the future. The past is but a stepping-stone to the future. It cannot rule how the present and future develops but, unfortunately, not all can embrace that concept and continue to seek retribution rather than reconciliation. Those who now have the responsibility for the governance and operation of RAC have extended the hand of friendship and the olive branch and seen no positive response. Now is the time for RAC to move forward.
We acknowledge the work that RRCO has done in Ontario and the things they have achieved in terms of licensing and regulations. We are sure that, with mutual co-operation RAC and RRCO could have taken that work and given its benefits to every Reflexologist in Canada. Sadly, that has not happened.
The decision to sever ties was not an easy one and the Board did much soul searching before finally deciding on its course of action. It was felt that far too much time was being spent in dealing with unproductive RRCO/RAC issues that could have been spent in more useful ways. It seems no coincidence that Canada trails the world in public awareness and acceptance of reflexology whilst it seems to lead the world in the politics of the reflexology profession. RAC no longer has the will to be involved, to any degree, in politicking and wants, in the best interests of its members and the profession, to work to fulfil its mission and vision to take reflexology to a higher level of excellence .
RAC will continue to work towards unity in the profession, to advocate for reflexology and Reflexologists and to pursue a raising of standards and ethics. RAC will aggressively defend its name, its reputation, its copyright, and its curriculum from any and all who choose to threaten the Association.
Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct
Right-Click to download file.
RAC InterBoutique
RAC Mug $7.50 plus tax
Pre order now for collection at the Montreal Conference and save postage costs
10% discount for RCRT registered members!!!