Canada's National Association

Committed to developing highly trained reflexologists
since 1976

Welcome to the Reflexology Association of Canada!

The Reflexology Association of Canada is a Federally chartered, non-profit association formed in 1976 with members from coast to coast.

Our Vision: Reflexology is a universally acclaimed healing art and science.

Our Mission: The Reflexology Association of Canada unifies reflexologists in professional programs and services.

The Reflexology Association of Canada believes that:

  • Reflexology is a profession that stands on its own as a viable and dynamic health modality.
  • Reflexology is a profound healing art and science.
  • The Reflexology Association of Canada is the best representative for its members in regards to governing bodies and business groups.
  • The Reflexology Association of Canada is an industry leader in the reflexology world.
  • The Reflexology Association of Canada is a forward-moving association devoted to promoting reflexology nationally and internationally.
  • The public should be fully informed and educated about the benefits of Reflexology.
  • The public has the right to fully trained and certified practioners as a matter of safety and professionalism.
  • The members and volunteers of The Reflexology Association of Canada are the cornerstones of the association and should have recognition and value as such.
The Reflexology Association of Canada values:
  • Ethical Conduct: The Reflexology Association of Canada commits to a high level of integrity and objectivity, adhering to its codes of conduct, unencumbered by conflict of interest, in all decisions.
  • Accountability: The Reflexology Association of Canada deals honestly and with openness and transparency in all its situations.
  • Integrity: The Reflexology Association of Canada demonstrates integrity in all aspects of its operation.
  • Inclusiveness: The Reflexology Association of Canada acts upon its appreciation of the inherent worth of each person.
Welcome to our website! We hope you enjoy your visit.

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