Canada's National Association

Committed to developing highly trained reflexologists
since 1976

Conference Information

2003 Keynote Speakers

In addition to our exciting post-conference sessions with Lynne Booth and James Minckler, RAC is also pleased to offer a Continued Development Training session for Teachers for the promotion of excellence in RAC education - NOT TO BE MISSED!

Deborah Romeyn

The Manitoba Chapter of the Reflexology Association of Canada, is proud to present Deborah Romeyn. Deborah suffered a near-death experience a few years ago and as a result made significant changes in her life, one of which was her realization that she needed to sing more. Her songs, combined with the narrative story of this journey, provide Deborah with an ideal form in which to publicly share her story.

Lynne Booth

Lynne, a Reflexologist and founder of Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT) says that VRT's birth was accidental. Running late one day, Lynne had to provide first aid to an elderly client. She knelt beside the senior, worked on her hip, leg, spine and pelvic reflexes for no more than 90 seconds. The client later reported that she immediately felt pain and warmth, but by next morning could move the affected leg more easily. Lynne has since formalized her process into VRT. In addition to sharing many experiences, Lynne will also offer Reflexologists a pre- and post-conference 1-day Basic VRT Course and a 1-day post-conference Advanced VRT Course. Lynne currently resides in Bristol, United Kingdom.

James Minckler

A certified massage therapist, James suffered from severe back pain. After learning new ideas of natural health, James started living them, finding his life to be pain free and considerably more peaceful. These concepts were so successful that others began asking what he was doing differently. To share this information, James wrote 2 books, ENERGY BALANCING - FOR NATURAL HEALTH (A Body Owners Maintenance Manual) and ENERGY BALANCING II - ADVANCED TECHNIQUES, and he began teaching workshops 22 years ago. His life long desire has been to help others to help themselves. James will also offer post conference training in Energy Balancing - An Adventure in Awareness.


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