2005 RAC AGM & Conference Schedule
The Reflexology Association of Canada
the Nova Scotia Association of Reflexology Practitioners
Halifax 2005
29th Annual General Meeting and Conference
�New Directions�
Holiday Inn Select,
Halifax Centre Hotel & Conference Centre
Friday September 23 � Sunday September 25, 2022
Weekend Schedule
Friday September 23rd
10 am to 4 pm. PCT/Teacher�s In-service
�RAC Teachers only
�New PCT/School concept
�Program updates
6:30 pm to 7:00 pm Registration
(receive name tags, delegate packages, treat bags)
7 pm to 10 pm.Opening Ceremonies
�Attractions of Halifax �Slide Show�
�Welcome to Halifax (Tanya Murray-Freeman, Chair AGM committee & Phil Lander, Executive Director)
�Square Dance Performance
�NSARP Concept & Future (Cheryl Gaul, NSARP Chair)
�RAC �New Directions� (Carol Faguy, RAC Chair)
Saturday, September 24th
7 am to 9:30 am. Halifax Farmers� Market & Alexander Keith�s Brewery
Visit the famous Farmers� Market, as you step back in time to enjoy breakfast with friends and amble through this historic building and brewery.
Enjoy the variety of cuisine and merchandise, which local vendors have to offer. (optional)
Transportation will be departing from the hotel front entrance at 7:00 am. for the elderly or those with special needs.
8 am to 10 am. Treatment Trades (optional)
10 am Weekend Overview
10:30 am to 12 noon. Workshop #1
Although we are all aware of the benefits of sound nutrition, conflicting information exists on proper nutrition, and it can be confusing.
This workshop will walk us through how to optimize health through proper diets and lifestyle programs. Information will be offered on topics such as adding supplements and herbs to the diet, nutritional prevention and degenerative disease, and assessment of nutritional wellness and what associated organ systems to work as a therapists.
Facilitator: Heather Sparrow � Registered Nutritional Consultant and Coordinator of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. She has been a Certified Reflexologist since 1997 and is a graduate of the Reflexology Association of Canada.
12 noon to 1:30 pm. Lunch Break
No arrangements have been made for lunch. Please see your conference package for a list of local eateries.
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm. Workshop #2
An open discussion about where RAC and your Reflexology practice are heading. Talks with insurance companies and government bodies suggest we need to become a more professional organization. Reflexology in South Africa, Europe and Great Britain is beginning to be established as a profession. In which direction should RAC be headed?
Facilitated by RAC�s interim Executive Director Philip Lander.
Phil has a proven history of working with non-profit organizations of all sizes, as staff, board member or consultant, assisting them in developing policies and procedures to govern with effectiveness and vision.
3:00 pm nutrition break will be supplied
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Workshop #3
Learn how to make the most of your finances through your working years as a part-time or full-time therapist, and how to maximize your retirement income and security by collecting full government benefits and making the most of your nest egg.
Facilitator: Peter Freeman. Peter is a Certified Financial Planner with over six years of experience at Investors Group Financial Services in Halifax, NS. Peter graduated from Saint Mary�s University with a Bachelor of Commerce and is an active member in the Commerce Society. He works mainly with self-employed entrepreneurs and retired business owners.
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Dinner Break
No arrangements have been made for dinner. Please see your delegate package for a list of local eateries.
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Treatment Trades
6:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Registration for AGM
7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
RAC�s 29th Annual General Meeting & Ollie Bailey Awards Presentation
�Agenda. Please see Conference Package.
�Refreshments and Entertainment.
Sunday September 25th
9:00 am to 10:00 am. Share and Tell
10:00 am to 11:30am. Workshop #4
This workshop will cover important topics such as general use of oils within your therapy, how to work with the 10 top oils safely and an exploration of therapeutic applications for common pathologies and conditions.
Facilitators: Lee Fisher and Allana Downie � Cassaroma Wellness Centre.
Lee is a RAC Certified Reflexologist and Co-Founder of the Cassaroma Wellness Center in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. She is an Instructor and Practitioner of Aromatherapy.
Allana Downie: Allana is Co-Founder of the Cassaroma Wellness Center and Instructor and Practitioner of Aromatherapy registered with the Canadian Federation of Aroma Therapists.
Both specialize in Therapeutic Aromatherapy and concentrate in the treatment of chronic illness and disabilities. They offer a 3 level certification course at Cassaroma approved by the American Registration Council
11:30 pm to 12:30 pm Lunch Break
No arrangements have been made for lunch. Please see your conference package for a list of local eateries.
12:30 pm to 2:00 pm. Workshop #5
This workshop will provide hands-on practice of specific techniques to assist women through the challenges of labour.
Prerequisite for Birth Doula Training Workshop on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th.
Facilitator: Linda Baril, Certified RAC Reflexologist/Instructor/Trainer, Certified Doula and Doula Trainer with Doulas of North America, Childbirth Educator (ICEA)
Linda has been attending births as a Doula or Labour Assistant for over 16 years and has specialized in working with pregnant women within her reflexology practice. As a Doula, she passionately and lovingly assists & supports them through the challenges of labour and delivery, combining reflexology with a strong belief that having a Doula throughout labour and delivery significantly alters the outcomes.
2:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Conference Wrap-up and Thank You�s.
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm.NSARP Annual General Meeting
See Conference package for Agenda
3:00 pm Citadel Hill - National Historic Site Tour (approx 1 hour)
$1.00 off adult admission coupons are available -regular adult admission is $5.75 (optional).
Transportation will be departing from the hotel front entrance at 2:45 pm. for the elderly or those with special needs.
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Treatment Trades
Displays and Vendor Tables will be happening throughout the weekend.
Recognition Awards and Door Prizes will be announced and given out throughout the weekend.
The views and opinions expressed by the presenters or the vendors at the Annual General Meeting & Conference either verbally or in writing do not necessarily reflect those of the Reflexology Association of Canada, the Nova Scotia Association of Reflexology Practitioners, or their Boards of Directors.
The Reflexology Association of Canada or the Nova Scotia Association of Reflexology Practitioners do not endorse or promote any of the products that are for sale or display at the Annual General Meeting & Conference.
THERE'S STILL TIME TO REGISTER!!! Reflexology Association of Canada Annual General Meeting and Conference
The Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC)
The Nova Scotia Association of Reflexology Practitioners (NSARP)
The 29th Annual General Meeting and Conference
"New Directions"
In Halifax, Nova Scotia
September 23-25, 2005
Cost and Registration
Member rate of $195 + 15% HST for the weekend AGM and Conference.
(Total $224.25)
Early Bird Registration BEFORE August 15, 2022 is $175 + 15% HST.
(Total $201.45)
Additional fees apply for the Certification Workshops.
Click here to download the registration form in english.
Cliquez ici pour t�l�charger la fiche en fran�ais.
Conference Workshops
(included in registration fee, subject to availability)
This workshop will provide hands-on practice of specific techniques to assist women through the challenges of labour.
Prerequisite for Birth Doula Training Workshop on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th.
Facilitator: Linda Baril, Certified RAC Reflexologist/Instructor/Trainer, Certified Doula and Doula Trainer with Doulas of North America, Childbirth Educator (ICEA)
Linda has been attending births as a Doula or Labour Assistant for over 16 years and has specialized in working with pregnant women within her reflexology practice. As a Doula, she passionately and lovingly assists & supports them through the challenges of labour and delivery, combining reflexology with a strong belief that having a Doula throughout labour and delivery significantly alters the outcomes.
Learn how to make the most of your finances through your working years as a part-time or full-time therapist, and how to maximize your retirement income and security by collecting full government benefits and making the most of your nest egg.
Facilitator: Peter Freeman
Peter is a Certified Financial Planner with over six years of experience at Investors Group Financial Services in Halifax, NS. Peter graduated from Saint Mary�s University with a Bachelor of Commerce and is an active member in the Commerce Society. He works mainly with self-employed entrepreneurs and retired business owners.
This workshop will cover important topics such as general use of oils within your therapy, how to work with the 10 top oils safely and an exploration of therapeutic applications for common pathologies and conditions.
Facilitators: Lee Fisher and Allana Downie � Cassaroma Wellness Centre.
Lee is a RAC Certified Reflexologist and Co-Founder of the Cassaroma Wellness Center in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. She is an Instructor and Practitioner of Aromatherapy.
Allana Downie: Allana is Co-Founder of the Cassaroma Wellness Center and Instructor and Practitioner of Aromatherapy registered with the Canadian Federation of Aroma Therapists.
Both specialize in Therapeutic Aromatherapy and concentrate in the treatment of chronic illness and disabilities. They offer a 3 level certification course at Cassaroma approved by the American Registration Council
Proper Posture, Ergonomics and Back Safety for the Therapist
Our apologies - this workshop is CANCELLED. Substitute Workshop TBA.
Wellness: Optimal Health Through Natural Nutrition
Post-Conference workshops
DONA-approved Birth Doula Training (2-day)
Pre-requisite: RAC 2005 Conference Workshop - 'The Effective Use of Reflexology/Acupressure During Labour and Delivery'.
Develop and enhance your skills to support women throughout their birthing experience. This 2 day training is part of the DONA certification program towards becoming a professional, certified Doula.
Join Linda Baril, Reflexologist/Instructor/Trainer (RAC), Certified Doula/Doula Trainer (DONA) and Childbirth Educator (ICEA) for this 2-day workshop.
Linda will share her passion in reflexology and birthing and her belief in the value of women helping women during birth and delivery. This workshop is one step towards becoming a certified Doula with the Doulas of North America (DONA). For a detailed overview of Dona, please
visit the DONA website:
Restoring Structural Homeostasis to the Ankle & Leg,
One-day Certification Workshop
Join Jeffrey Cottam, Doctor of Acupuncture, Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Reflexologist, CranioSacral Therapist and registered Myomassology Practitioner (Canadian Myomassology Institute) for this one-day workshop, including hands-on practical instruction. Clinical and client-based topics will range from the health benefits of structural homostasis, assessment and alignment of the foot, through home rememdy excercises, to assessing 'short leg' syndrome and physical manipulation to correct the syndrome.
Spa Reflexology,
One-day Certification Workshop
Sara Rankin, Registered Aroma Therapist and Certified Reflexology Instructor and Practitioner, brings her extensive experience to this one-day workshop. Learn how to grow your business and market yourself within the ever-popular spa industry. Training includes the history and benefits of spa therapies, a range of treatment methods, information about equipment and supplies, incorporating spa therapies into a reflexology practice, and hands-on, step-by-step application techniques.
The Sun Sea & Scenery are waiting for you!!
Salute to WestJet... our airline of choice.
WestJet gives 10% off the lowest REGULAR fare to RAC members attending our AGM.
For travel September 20 - 30, 2005 to/from Halifax only.
Call the Westjet Specialty Team at:
In Calgary, call 444-2294
or email:
[email protected]
Quote QC#3016 when booking.
Call the Holiday Inn Select, Halifax Centre to reserve your room.
call toll-free at:
In Nova Scotia, call 902-423-1161
or email:www.hiselect.com/halifax-centre
Identify yourself with the Reflexology Association of Canada and get the group rate of $125 + 15% HST per night, single or double occupancy